Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

View from our driveway

Our first night without Tobes (at least where one of us hasn't been at home with him). He's staying with Grandma and Grandad T in their trailer tent. He was very excited about his bed when we went over at tea time. We had some food and a little paddle in the lake and saw the guy who built our extension a few years back. Then we helped get Tobes ready for bed and said night night.

Eva said 'Toby gone, Toby gone' all the way home and had a bit of a fake cry! She refused to go to sleep when we got home so I had to sit in her room with her for a bit and she threw her substantial collection of cuddly toys out of her cot and then cried to have them back, then took her pj's off herself. Mr EG took over and she finally settled about 10pm. Two weeks ago she was going to bed really well and I thought we had cracked it. Now it seems like we are back to square one. She is constantly on the go, doesn't sleep at all during the day and then fights her sleep all evening. At her age Toby was having 2-3 hour naps in the day.

Missing him loads, even though he would be sleeping now anyway- just miss not being able to look in on him and see him sleeping.

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