Meet and .......
........ Greet in the truest sense.
A quickly-grabbed shot of these holy men arriving at T5 London Heathrow airport today.
There were about 20 of them and, as they walked up to their meeting party, their feet were touched reverently by the waiting men and blessings were said. I suspect they were waiting for more people as they continued to stand around talking.
My knowledge of different religions is quite basic so I don't actually know from which religion they are (if I were pushed to guess I would have said possibly Hindu) ..... there were no women or children waiting to greet them, only men, their feet, not their footwear, were touched briefly which I know is a sign of respect (and the "touchers" then blessed themselves on each cheek and chest). I know that in some religions the touching of shoes is not done as they are considered impure.
Their bright orange robes and headgear brought some beautiful and bright colour into the building.
The 'mission' went well and my colleague was very good company. - hooray!!
Busy weekend, starting Friday afternoon, with guests arriving - I have a lot to do ........
~ A ~
NIKON D5200 : f/4.5 : 1/80" : 42mm : ISO 500
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