
Yesterday you got a photo of Dr T and today you get a photo of me. There are other people here - honest! And yes, I have very baggy trousers.

We woke up to glorious sunshine again! After a very lazy start (I do so love taking my time in the morning), we eventually headed out west again to see Skara Brae, a must-see in these parts. As I got out of the car, I realised I had forgotten my camera at home - iphoneography to the rescue!

It was a fascinating place but what really drew my attention was the beach next door on the Bay of Skaill. What a beautiful expanse of white sand, shallow, warm water and a gorgeous blue sky! It really was heavenly and today's additional photographs feature the beach - over here.

We slowly meandered away from the beach and went back to Stromness to see if today's Guardian had arrived (it can be hard to grasp that it comes via ferry) but by the time we got there (5:10 pm) pretty much all the shops had closed. The shops stay open until 5:30 pm in Kirkwall, the metropolis. We thought we'd wander over to the other side of the island but on the way there we both started to feel a little tired so decided to spend the evening in town instead. We ventured out to find a good pint and fell into two very pleasant conversations on the street. When we did get into a pub, there was another friendly local to chat to.

All in all, another lovely day on holiday.

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