Am i too Early for Christmas?

We went to Parc Slip earlier than usual before it got too hot. We walked all the way to the scrape which is a wooden shed on stilts. A guy we passed said he had seen a grey Heron earlier. We waited a while, but it was so hot inside, we gave up and walked back through the butterfly walk. J was walking way ahead of me, and when i caught up with him i said, Why do you look so miserable when you've got the love of your life by your side, and he replied, No, they are at home in the garage. I hope he was joking!!! We walked back to the cafe and ordered coffee and a tikka wrap each. They bought the coffee and about half an hour later , the wraps arrived. We should have complained ,but we weren't in a rush, and besides it's too hot for complaining. By the time we had eaten our food everyone else had gone ,and as we got up to leave ,i saw this young Robin underneath the tables ,looking for scraps. He seemed quite tame ,and we managed to take a few photos of him. After all that walking around the reserve looking for a blip, i found this just as we were leaving. The warden we spoke to on the way out said he is there quite often.

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