Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

Wot no War!

Well that would be a wonderful thing!! Got to Wentworth Castle and gardens today - a bit quiet I thought…. no Civil War - why - the advert I saw was for last year…. which I even went to….. Lupes have a word with yourself!!! :)
Anyway - flip side of that is I had more time to look around the wonderful buildings and gardens - and they are gorgeous - so peaceful - dotted with a few picnickers and loads of bees and butterflies! There were preparations for a wedding reception going on - and Elvis was singing - but I love at bit of Elvis so that was cool!
Tomorrow I'm off to Tatton park with youngest - her idea - love how she's inherited mine and my Mum's love of gardens!…… Hang on, let me just check before I go….. what year am I in?????? :O :)

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