That's It

I went and collected a couple of bits of wood from the fallen tree this morning.
I need to go and get some 2 stroke oil for the chainsaw before I can get a nice slice to make something of a decent size though.

SWMBO headed out mid morning to walk PD with the project manger (his real owner). I made a thin walled pot on the lathe - but I suspect it is going to split and head for the bin.

There was some monster thunder claps and the heavens opened during the afternoon. It mucked up my plans for cutting the hedge somewhat.

We walked PD in the evening while the project manager was away to an engagement doo and got shouted at by somebody for taking pictures of his house. I don't think he was convinced that I was actually taking a shot of the clouds, but he was in bare feet and I wasn't for walking over to him to show him (his way of asking what I was doing was too rude to deserve that).
We then 'babysat' PD's 'Granny' who was spending the night for a couple of hours.

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