Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Happy Hendstock

For the first time, we were guaranteed good weather for Hendstock. We spent the morning putting up the gazebos and bunting. People started arriving at about 3pm and the Festival got going properly at 6. We think there were between 150-180 people; the most we've ever had. It was definitely the BEST HENDSTOCK EVER!!
It was warm all evening, the garden was packed with people. All the acts were brilliant and we danced our bloomin' socks off.

Today I have had so many lovely messages from people saying what an excellent time they had. I've had several bouquets and thank you cards. I'm so proud of Hendstock. I really wanted to post a photo which sums up the whole event but I hardly stood still for the whole evening so you have a photo of Jamie and David. They did a brilliant set and got everyone singing.

Ninja sent us some of her photos and This one really sums it up for me.

Too Busy posted a lovely comment this morning. This is what Hendstock is all about:
'The ability people have to turn life's sadness into Life's opportunity. David and Hayley your positivity is a credit to yourself and an honour to your friend, who remains in the thoughts of many of us, including those of us who didn't ever meet him'.
We couldn't ask for more really.

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