Endings and Beginnings

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
-Jens Voight, retiring after his 17th Tour de France

That quote seemed appropriate on this day of the final stage of the 101st Tour de France, which just happened to coincide with OilMan's birthday. For three weeks every year we watch as the boys on bikes ride on through the crosswinds, the rain, the heat, the cobblestones, the Alps and the Pyrenees. There was a lot of carnage out there on the roads this year--Cavanaugh, Froome and Contador all abandoned the tour after horrible crashes. Many others soldiered on with bandages covering large portions of their bodies. No wonder surviving to ride down the Champs Elysees in Paris is an accomplishment to be savored.

OilMan has weathered another year in style, himself, despite minor carnage of his own. The number of pictures of him prostrate on a doctor's couch will attest to that! He has done battle with moles, voles and gophers, bugs, drought, rocks and 33 stairs in the garden,. He has fallen off ladders and hung from his armpits from the arbor, but despite all that, seems to enjoy making his garden grow.

We've had a lot of good times with family and friends, old and new, and look forward to more as we feel more settled and part of this community. He feels he has little to cry about, and a lot to smile about. And I managed to catch a smile with Tim, who came to fetch Olive, and spend a couple of days with us. Those two don't wear their hearts on their sleeves, but their preferences on their shirts! OilMan is wearing his prize Pliny the Elder (beer) shirt, while Tim sports a Grateful Dead model which he's probably had since he was in high school!

Here's to you, OilMan---Happy Birthday!

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