
By Rosemarie55

Three Hungry Sparrows

Shopping in Aberdeen this morning and hoping to get a good blip. That was a big mistake! It was so hot that I only ventured into the two Malls next to the station so that I could keep cool! Blipping was furthest from my mind. Bought a nice pair of sandals for my holiday next week, and some silver glitter nail varnish and dental floss and a couple of glossy magazines (my addiction) and caught an early train home. When I got home two frogs were peeping out at me through the duckweed in the pond but when they saw me they plunged back under the water. It was quite cool in my garden - well, 31 degrees C is cool at the moment LOL - and 22 degrees indoors.

I ate a Lochmuir Smoked Salmon & Creme Fraiche Quiche and some Orkney Crab Pate for lunch and thought again about today's blip. Hadn't the energy for a serious shoot and so captured these Sparrows fighting over the remains of a spent suet ball in the feeder. It is not a particularly good blip but I found it amusing. Had a look out just now and the feeder is empty. Tomorrow's task - buy a new supply of suet logs and balls LOL!

Hope everyone is having a nice day, and keeping reasonably cool:-)

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