Looking Over my Shoulder.

I took the dvd back to the library ( Grand Budapest Hotel) before i went to the gym. We only watched about twenty minutes of it, as we thought it was a load of rubbish. I was going to walk around the fields to look for a blip but it started to rain and i didn't have a coat. I phoned J to meet me, and we took a quick drive to Parc Slip . The cafe isn't open on a Monday so we went for a short walk. We have seen this guy there before. He has a greyhound with him , which you can't see in the blip. We stopped behind him, in case we were disturbing whatever he was taking a photo of. When he turned around ,he said he was taking a photo of a butterfly . He said it's still there if you want to have a go, but we had already taken a blip of a butterfly and when J showed him our shot he said, yours is better than mine. He didn't know i had taken a blip of him. We didn't stay long as i wanted to come home and have a shower. The weather has been a bit hit and miss today ,but it's cooler which is better.

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