
By Annieone

'Admiring '...........!!

This was Kitty Boy just a while ago out in the front porch having been lured out of the utility room with some Dreamies so as I could let the D.O.G out!!!
I came out to take some photos of the flowers in my porch.......
he said he didn't mind me Blipping the flowers so long as he could be in the picture too.......and that he'd just sit here the good and helpful cat that he is....and would this pose be alright???? .....and by any chance would there be a few more Dreamies if he were to co-operate like this and make it so easy for me"!!!!!
Well.....what could I say????
And that was my Blip picture sorted for this evening......
Maybe not what I intended...but.....who could turn down the help of such a great cat.....
Still taking it easy...pain improved a lot in the knee today.....!

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