'All New'........!!

Out walking about my garden early enjoying my first cup of tea of the day (the most important one & usually made for me by the hubby....which makes it all the nicer)...

Its a lovely morning....calm...a little dull...but very warm....the misty rain having cleared leaving everything sparkling with rain and dew drops...
I really love this time of the morning ...it Is so peaceful......!
Wasn't accompanied by the KB.....he had other things on his mind.....was to hungry he said for walking around the garden with me and wanted his breakfast......
Of course he has to be fed inside in case the D.O.G makes a sudden appearance.....

So, I got my camera and was spoiled for choice for a Blip really.....
but I chose this new Zephriene Drouhin rose bloom.....as the whole bush is lovely again.....
It had lost all it's leaves to black spot and the first flush of blooms was over...
I cut everything back......fed it a humendous amount of Rose Feed......sperayed the 'divil' out of it and it is rewarding me with a whole new flush of flowers......
It's not entirely clear yet..so I think I'll have to spray it again....!

Knee pain again this morning so think I'll have to Phone the Doc's secretary
and see what he thinks!!
Hope all have a good day...
KB sends purrs to all anyway (out thru' the window..from his safe spot)!!!

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