You don't scare me, Peacock !

I went over to Christian Fields this morning on my way home from a dentist's appointment.

I was very richly rewarded.

Unpromising at first - the usual odd cars parked in the car parks, with individuals going about some sort of business or other. I disturbed a bunny as I got to the top part but he ran off too fast for a blip. Then the sun went behind a cloud.

A little walk further and several whites (of some sort - but later I found they were large whites) and some gatekeepers buzzed me. There were the usual peacocks dominating the buddleias.

And as I went along towards the (frankly overgrown) flowers near the pool, I saw a small tortoiseshell, and a beautiful speckled wood.

I returned to the original buddleias and noticed that the peacocks were not alone. There was a red admiral (the first I have seen for several weeks and certainly the first I have logged in the Big Butterfly Count).... and this obstinate Comma who refused to budge even when the big peacock tried to scare it off.

I chose this photo - (BOGOF qualities apart) - because you can clearly see the comma on the underside of the wing from which it gets its name.

And apart from the oddballs in the car park, I had the whole reserve to myself :-)

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