All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

King of the Sandcastle

Ethan's body is clearly adjusting to the late nights, because he has had a great lie-in the past few days - 9.15am this morning! It's a shame hubbie and I have been woken up around 6am each day though by one of the neighbours dogs barking!

We had hoped to take Ethan on a boat today but couldn't get hold of the person we'd been recommended. We took a drive out to MacDuff where we did finally get to speak to im on the phone. but he was already out on the boat by then. Instead, we went and had lunch at Duff House, then spent some time in the playpark "people watching" as lots of guests were arriving for a wedding at the house.

Back to Cullen and we hit the beach again. It had been a glorious morning but by now dark clouds were looming. Around 4.30pm thunder and lightening started and the rain came down too. We ran back to the cottage as the rain got heavier and heavier. Within an hour it had flooded the whole street and the fire brigade had to get called out to pump it into the sea. I've never seen a street flood so quickly before. Fortunately the cottage we were in was fine, but 2 doors down and many houses along from that had a lot of water damage as the water got so high.

Ethan was fascinated though and loved wading through it in his wellies!

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