Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Ayrt n Bairt...

That's "out and about" to you and I!

The chores done for the day it was out on the carbon for a tear around...paying homage to 'la Vie en Velo' just have to cultivate those strange tan lines while you can!!!!

Home for a shower and then into town for, mooch-age, photostuff and general indulging in 'not much particular'....all in the glorious sunshine.

Down by the river where it is usually quiet, it seemed most of London had come to visit, so there was an awful lot of East End drawl going on.."oh ain't 'iss loVly Baabes!" and all that jazz!

I love that folk visit here....welcome all to the lovely Fens...that's my moto!

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