Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Sporty's Last Supper . . .

. . . at "Fun"ville!

Tomorrow begins the drive home.

I know that some people will be appalled by this scene -- I might be too, except that is my sister and she owns and operates a K-9 Kamp and each dog becomes a member of her family (so I think I understand). What's not visible here is the dog on the other size of her in an identical chair (covered with a blanket). These 2 dogs are having dinner with us. This is a normal event at her home. So guess what, you're right, it's been a normal event here all week.

Bob dog is on the floor wondering what the heck is going on or maybe he's wondering why he hasn't been invited to the meal.

Since last Sunday evening when my sis arrived, the dinner table has been occupied by 3 adults and 2 K-9s. These 2 dogs eat salad, fruits, vegetables, beans from the crockpot, and anything else that is on the list of "Okay things for Dogs." There are somethings that dogs are not suppose to have: broccoli, avocado, and numerous other food items that I am not remembering at the moment.

So as we ate our last supper together this evening, I quietly and casually got-up from the table, lifted my camera to position, and clicked and clicked. Some photos showed both of the dogs but without Sporty standing at attention. So this was the winning selection. He's an 8 pound runt that is bigger than life!

I could write a lot about today (and maybe I will fill in some details tomorrow), but for now the evening has concluded and everyone is going to bed. My sis has partially packed her car.

In the morning Mr. Fun has to leave early, so my big sis and I and the K-9s will have breakfast, she will pack a lunch of organic peanut-butter & jelly sandwiches, carrot sticks, pears, and apples, and they will be on their way -- headed for home in Portland, Oregon. They will drive away and this house will swell with emptiness.

Sporty doesn't even live at my sis's house. He just came along for the ride because he hadn't been feeling well lately and my sis has been caring for him and because his "mom & dad" said he could come on vacation too.

If you think I am part of a pretty strange family, you're right.

We don't get to choose our family, we're born into one. The closest thing to choosing a family or a relative are the pets we own.

Thanks for reading this far and for the meaningful comments this week. I hope to get back to regular commenting in the next day or so and also hope that our Internet connection gets back to normal, because right now it is anything but that.

So for the first 29th of this year and for the night that the full moon will be the brightest this year, good night.

From Southern California all the K-9s at "Fun"ville
say good night and so do
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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