Life rocks...everyday!

By Openmicscott

It's back-to-school night for me

What was I thinking.
Just because I like to read doesn't mean I am required to take this college liturature class. I can find books on my own. I even have a library card. Why should I be forced to read, comprehend and write about what some about-my-sons-age- professor tells me too. Why should I put myself in a position of possible or even probable failure and ridicule in a room where I am 40...yes 40 years older than the mean average student age.
Tonight, in class, I didn't know what verisimilitude meant. Now I's the appearance of truth.

Maybe that's why I'm here.

I am the last one leaving class and this is my hallway.

Looks lonely, empty, vacuous...maybe a little lost.

Me too.

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