Flying By The Seat Of His Pants

I got a phone call from this wee chap last night - as pleased as punch after going on his bike without stabilisers for the first time.

Today he was very reluctant and in tears when things went slightly awry (he didn't hurt himself - in fact he didn't even fall over).
But it will take him no time to master it.

His wee sister the scruffy street urchin has really got the hang of the scooter - even the brake (most of the time).

The po-face as it happens is because he feels under the weather due to having chicken pox.
Bad timing though because it means that both he and Squirrel will not be able to go to a couple of parties due to one of the other mothers being pregnant.

This evening I took the chainsaw and went and got some bits of beech from the tree that came down behind the shops the other day.

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