Aspiring Amateur

By MegB

Valued Vacation

We are feeling fortunate on our vacation.

Despite cloudy days we have been blessed with beautiful sunsets. The sun sets right smack dab in front of our cottage!

Last evening before dinner we watched as a mother turkey and her 5 poults flew high up in a nearby tree to roost for the night. Seeing wild turkeys is common, seeing them roost with their young was a real treat!

We left just before 8:00 this morning to hike at the Little Sand Bay Nature Preserve. We hoped to spot an Indigo Bunting, instead we saw Sandhill Cranes. Next we went to Miller's Marsh where we hiked hoping to see a beaver, instead we saw many interesting fungi, Blue Heron, wildflowers and bullfrogs. Stopped along the way at "Points of Interest" to return at 2:00 p.m.! Most enjoyable 6 hour stretch I've had in a long while.

I went on a beach hike to Bonner's Bluff Landing and was successful in photographing a butterfly feeding from some milkweed except that the butterfly's wings appeared tattered so this pretty daisy won out! (I have so much respect for you who have blipped butterflies! Wow, all that flitting about - it's so hard to get an image!)

Thankful Tuesday.

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