Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

"Hey Mate....

get with the program, what are we supposed to do now!! You've had us running in circles all over the paddock and we've ended up where we started"!

It was another screech to a halt "Blip Moment". We were driving home from Melbourne and were between Gundagai and Young when we came across a huge flock of sheep being rounded up by this wonderful border collie and his mate. Now I'm amazed to admit it, but I have never seen this happening in real life. Of course I had to stop and haul out the camera to see if I could capture the moment.

It was almost impossible to catch Rover in action mode, he was this way and that in the blink of an eye. And then....he had a 10 second pit stop, hallelujah!!. Just enough time to get this shot. It was amusing to look at the image later and see the look of confusion on the faces of the sheep.

It was really thrilling to see the dogs in action, following the farmers every command (via his whistling I might add). I'm sure Snowy in New Zealand will have a good laugh, owning a sheep station as she does. Probably seen this activity a thousand times over. Anyway, it was well worth stopping for, it made our day.

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