Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Goodbye Melbourne....

for now!!

We were sad to leave Melbourne this morning, because it meant leaving CCN's lovely little granddaughters and son and daughter-in-law. But they know without a doubt that we'll be back before too long.

I was astonished when I looked over the city just as the sun was rising to see the intensity of the sky. This is a similar image to the one I took when I first arrived, just a very different time of day. It made leaving slightly easier.

We made our way to the historic town of Gundagai tonight and will be home at Wombat Hollow tomorrow. It will be good to settle down for a few weeks.

Gundagai is a town well know to Australians for many reasons, but probably it's this song that just about every Australian could sing without blinking and eyelid!!

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