
By MamaOfBoys

Good call

It was a day of good calls.

I kept kanye home today. He was really blocked up and coughing through the night plus yesterday after coming home from school he was absolutely exhausted so knowing how tiring it is to be unwell and have to keep doing stuff i thought i'd keep him home to recover and i'm glad i did.

Not long after i got back from taking Marley to school (mum came early to watch Kanye while i went ), i had sat down to have a cup of coffee- as i did Kanye had a seizure and fell back, luckily mum had put the bean bag behind him so he could lie down if needed so he wound up not hitting his head. I put him in recovery, covered him with a blanket and just let him sleep.

Good call #1 to keep him home
Good call #2 by mum putting something behind him

He had a tonic clonic seizure but the one he had today was a bit different; not new or out of the ordinary. His face flickered rapidly instead of his whole body convulsing. I hate seeing these ones. He had a headache when he came to later on so i gave him lots to drink and some pain relief.

Not long after all of this happened Kanyes principal rang, when he said who it was i initially thought there was a problem with Kanyes absences- especially last term but no he actually rang to say they had found a place for his class to move to. They were at glenmoor school as a satellite but when glenmoor closed they moved into the hall at ferndale base in merivale.

The class is moving to northcote school which i was really happy with, its not too much further from where he is now. Its on a little side street to the left off main north road just up a bit from St bedes so its not that far away from me. He said they'd be moving there soon and are going to do visits with the class between now and then.

Nothing else changes, he still has the same class, same teachers, same taxi driver. He wanted to call and let me know this and also that because they'll now be a bit further away that if Kanye has seizure at school they'll get his taxi to bring him home to me ( previously i went to get him being just around the corner) and if he has a severe seizure a teacher will come home in the taxi with him. He wanted to reassure me they'd continue to take the best care of him and that i was doing a brilliant job, that Kanye was such a friendly happy boy.

Good call #3 Lovely principal.

The rest of the day was spent taking care of Kanye and Harper who was a miserable mess for probably a number or reasons - teeth, not pooping for two days, tired etc etc.

Marley had a great day; his teacher said and he didn't raise any issue about the little boy, he didn't hide in the toilets and he had a great time at lunch with some of his friends. It was also photo day at school, i really look forward to seeing mars individual photo as he always pulls cheesy faces.

Mid week already- could have sworn today was Friday though, Thank goodness for The Wiggles today keeping Kanye (and Harper) entertained.

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