Because this is who I am

By Brighde


I know this seems like the oddest photo ever.

What's happening is, my batteries of my remote for my camera ran out and I got some new ones and well the only way to test it is to take a picture. But I couldn't be arsed to set up my tripod or anthing cause I wasn't using it I was just testing. So yeah. But for some reason I really like it. Maybe its the detail of my button or the good depth of field I've got going on, but I like it.

Yes, I am still obsessed with my new hair, thanks for asking. Just in case you all didn't understand I've had my red hair for about 3 years now, all throughout my old breakup and whatever and meeting Josh. This is pretty big deal to get it all out and have new hair, because it's like an end of an era. But a good ending.

And if you feel like I feel, then come on, lets get it on.

Happy blipping.

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