Big Hill

By bighill

Lovely Lavatera!

So it's know what that means!!! was like a friggin' zoo in there this morning.....some days it's just so overwhelming....too many people, too hot.....but somehow we soldier thro and come out laughing! one of the things i've started 'trying' to laugh at are the various comments people passing by my table feel compelled to make! i sort of get it...but not really! i mean do i really need to know that :-
a) you already have too much stuff so you can't buy any of my pots!
b) you just LOVE them, but maybe it isn't the right colour....
c) you already have a mug, a cup, a bowl, and plate etc.....and you haven't got the room in your cupboards!

i do understand this human need to connect - and that is really all these lovely people are trying to do....but it makes me grumpy!

Am i just getting old and cranky....yes is the correct answer here! i don't like the little cranky potter that emerges from my ever so buddhist and wholesome being.....but it is a good indicator that it's time for Linda to take a time out!!!!

It's busy around here at this time of year, and i'm heading into overwhelm! so, i need to take care of that, cos no one else can! i'll take tomorrow away from customers, friends, lover and wwoofers.....that'll sort me out :P

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