My Best Efforts - Year 3


Away With the Fairies.......

.........When I was very small I was totally convinced these seed heads really were Fairies!

This one came into my dining room at breakfast and I bethought meself "There's todays Blip!"

I am naming her Wisp after the fast flying fairy in Pixie Hollow - she certainly blew in very speedily on the breeze.

She and I had a bit of fun with the picture I took of her - she was extremely hard to please though and I had to do a lot of jiggery pokery before she was satisfied. In the end, she approved this one - (and I liked her shadow even though it looked a bit "spidery"!) - I was quite relieved as I had spent a lot of time before she was convinced about any of the images - at least she didn't ask me if her bum looked big!!!!

I don't think she noticed the miniscule fly that had settled on her!!

Anni was offered a very unexpected and short notice mission today - at least she didn't have to set off at midnight - as she is on her own, she MAY get a chance to take pix! Nice weather for driving so far.

A rather mixed day of sun and quite heavy cloud - very humid! - Temperature 74 Deg.F. and a slight breeze.

Enjoy the weather while it lasts - :-))

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