My Best Efforts - Year 3


A Good Idea....... a neighbour who has just dug up an unwanted small shrub which, as she said, did nothing - she had no idea as to what is was and it was a miserable looking thing anyway. She was then faced with a bare patch which she also didn't like!!

She managed to find a couple of Cineraria in pots - so she half buried the pots and the gap was filled! This is one of them. Leaving them in their pots was the right thing to do as they quite like to be pot-bound, They are usually past their best at this time of year but this look fine to me if a little faded.

They are easily raised from seed but, as borderline perennials, they often survive the winter in mild gardens and can be grown from cuttings.

Anni is on her way home from her mission to Scotland and posted two fantastic images of the Kelpies - one yesterday that got into the Spotlight and another this morning at the start of her journey home. This mission was one she could really enjoy!

The weather is overcast but sort of bright with it - temperature read 70Deg F. at 10.30am. - as I type this the sun is trying hard to get through the clouds

The 1st of August! - doesn't seem 5 minutes since we were in the States! - enjoy your day.

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