My Time Abroad

By jrgoode

Trip 1 Departs Tomorrow

Above is the view of my school from the top of a hill I pass over on my walk there from my apartment. The walk to campus involves two hills you have to walk up. I walk to and from campus 4 days a week sometimes twice a day and dang those hills get to me. Sad, but its getting easier as the days go on.

The dinner competition ended tonight. This week Blythe cooked french toast sticks with bananas, Aman cooked chocolate chip pancakes with berries and Cohan cooked egg hollandaise bagels and hash browns. All delicious. My omelets ended up placing 1st for taste but my presentation brought down my overall score and Cohan won for both taste and presentation. I'll get em next time.

I've actually had to start some schoolwork this week. Got an annotated bibliography and my first essay due next friday. Tried to get a head start this week cause I'll be going away this weekend.

Blythe and I are taking a trip to the Great Lake Taupo, about three hours away by bus. Its a good spot for the colder weather were dealing with now. It's full of beautiful scenery, trails to walk and hike, lakes and rivers to cruise by boat or kayak, and the coolest part might be its naturally hot thermal pools. Located in between the streams and the lakes you are free to swim in them and they are warm! That will be cool.

I'm excited to get out of Albany and hopefully we meet some cool people there. We're staying in a hostel and the place is a hot spot for NZ backpackers. Exciting!

I'll be gone from friday night to monday night so the blog will be quiet for the next few days. Until next week, cheers!

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