Miss Wintercomfort.

This is one of a series of models dressed as an art project by 'The Friends Of Mitcham's Corner' Cambridge. I have seen five when passing and as they are quite nearby, I intend to photograph them all. This is in front of Overstream House on Victoria Avenue. Actually once a dance studio that I attended and now a shelter for the homeless. The following is the accompanying notice :- We have chosen to dress our model in a skirt and top made from Wintercomfort's plastic ribbon used at fundraising events. We wanted her to look pretty and have chosen a quote from Oscar Wilde, for her necklace to show that homelessness doesn't necessarily mean hopelessness. It says, ALL OF US ARE IN THE GUTTER, BUT SOME OF US ARE LOOKING AT THE STARS. Around her belt are objects that represent some of Wintercomfort's services; a cup of tea and a cooked breakfast, showers and laundry, internet, opportunities to gain literacy, numeracy and cooking skills. Also help with job searching, the chance to take part in sport and creative activities. Thanks to The Friends Of Mitcham's Corner for inviting us to take part. I found that reading this was quite moving as it says it all.

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