Random Raindrops

I don't recall ever having seen exactly this sort of thing before (and I certainly have never photographed it). We had just left the Mead Art Museum at Amherst College, and rain began to fall on the sidewalk. After a few drops my scientific instincts kicked in and I photographed the sidewalk.

After a few moments, and then increasingly, I began to realize that I had witnessed--and captured--a potentially pure example of a random phenomenon. Such an event is not easy to witness, let alone to create--even just providing a series of random numbers is not a self-evident enterprise. So I present this for your contemplation--and, hopefully, your reactions.

Next day edit: I forgot to mention that earlier in the day I'd given my annual presentation of bird images to young Nature Campers at the nearby Hitchcock Center--here's a blip of the one two summers ago, with more information. It's always a very enjoyable and stimulating experience.

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