Red Sea Shell

Something different today, a shell of the non-explosive type.

I lived and worked in Saudi Arabia from 1981 to 1989 and two years of that period were spent in Jeddah. We only had Daniel at that time, Johanna being born in Jeddah in 1985, and we used to drive up the coast to Rabigh which is featured in the T.E.Lawrence book 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom'.

The beach was gorgeous and always deserted, in those days, but Rabigh was growing rapidly so I expect it's a good deal busier now.
We picked up shells, usually without the animal inside, but occasionally we would go to the beach with my Filipino engineers who showed us how they would get the animal out of the shell and cook it. It looked like a big slug but they would slice it thinly and cook it on a BBQ or open fire. It tasted a bit like bacon but took some courage to try it when you'd seen what it looked like!!

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