The Moment They Touched

16.5C and dull with rain most of the day. Moderate breeze.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went through to Arbroath and had a wander round the harbour before 9am to make sure we had a walk before the rain came.

The lock gate to the outer basin was open and various boats were leaving the harbour for a day at sea. The wake left by the boats was causing the moored boats to drift on their moorings and this was the moment the two boats in the corner nearest the gap to the outer basin touched together, bow to bow.

After lunch I looked for a spell of lighter rain so Maeve and I could get out for a short walk.

It was a year ago today that Shamara II capsized off Easthaven and was towed back to Westhaven by the Arbroath lifeboat.

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