Will you marry me?

In the library with the little harp music box.

I meet up with 5 ex-work colleagues a couple of times a year and this is the first one for 2014: a picnic at Attingham Park here Today we've had some heavy showers with thunder and then lots of sunshine, luckily when we were having our picnic!

I have walked the grounds of Attingham many times but we took a tour of the House today and the particular tour we went on was hosted by one Martin Jones, local entertainer and of Three Men in a Bowtie fame. He recounted the demise and bankruptcy of the first owner of the house and here he is re-enacting the proposal of the first Lord Berwick to an unsuitable young French lady; (40yr old Lord Berwick to 17yr old Sophia Dubochet). The lady he picked today as his future fiancee was actually French and enjoyed every minute of the charade and played to the audience brilliantly.

We've all had a wonderful day at Attingham, so lovely to catch up with such super guys again - our next meet up will be to Birmingham for the Christmas Market. Strawberries and champagne on the train are de rigeur; my shout this time!!

ps. Liz brought the Bucks Fizz today!

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