Love and a Mustard Seed

By MySunAndStars

Day 2: Biloxi Blues

The day started with a visit to my birthplace, where everything all began. A Chief, who was on break, happily took our family photo as we explained our visit to the hospital. As we walked away, he yelled out to my dad, "tell your daughter she doesn't look that old!" :)

After a quick trip to the Commissary to stock up on supplies, we checked into our hotel at the Grand Biloxi. With a couple good shoes at the blackjack table, I doubled my buy-in (and then some), which immediately was returned into my trip funds. Of course, I took the opportunity to inform the pit boss of my upcoming birthday and got a free buffet. This time I didn't mind playing the "guess my age" game. Everyone thought I was still in my 20s :)

My god-family joined us for dinner at the buffet and we indulged in some good ol' southern seafood. At dinner, we mused about what life was like before cell phones. "Do you remember those little water toys with the buttons that you pushed to release bubbles to manuever balls and rings around? Those were our handheld devices back then." :)

Afterward, we went to the block in downtown Biloxi where we met up with some of my god-brother's friends. Along the way, he described what life was like during Hurricane Katrina. They had lost power for almost a month and food supplies were scarce as stores and businesses were forced to close. Gasoline was rationed and people were forced to stay at home. The National Guard arrived to deliver MREs, as their only saving grace.

Many of the houses and buildings were washed away and new structures were built. Familiar landmarks no longer existed, which took a while to get used to. But, aside from the empty lots where families were evacuated or the occasional unrestored building still in rubble, the quaint little seaport towns of Biloxi and Gulfport have recovered nicely.

The evening ended perfectly with a couple drinks, listening to a local band sing the blues and play the harmonica. Oh, how I missed live music!

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