La Dolce Vita

By biffy78

Firenze la bella

No trip to Florence would be complete without observing some classic tourist comedy and I'm sure we provided some as well. Gems included the girls who were standing outside the Uffizi galleries waiting for the doors to open, even though they weren't automatic, and the guy who preferred to wander off in the wrong direction rather than wait 2 minutes until I found the street he was looking for on my map. (Do I look like Of course it was easy to spot the Brits - they're the ones wearing short sleeves in 2°C weather because the sun is out! Even the locals provide amusement as the Florentines tend to pronounce the "c" as "h" so anyone asking for a coca-cola is guaranteed to raise a smile. Sadly, no-one requested a straw - "con la cannuccia"...

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