Home advantage?

I was in town from just after 8am this morning, having dropped Mhairi off for her shift at the catering for the Hockey Centre. I spent a happy few hours wandering around, and caught the women's road race at several points around the city centre, including watching the eventual gold and silver medalists as they slogged up the gruelling hill at Montrose Street.

I thought I might as well wait and see the start of the men's race too, so I wandered down to the Saltmarket to see them as they emerged from Glasgow Green. It was dry for most of the women's race, but the rain was coming down in buckets for much of the men's race. Here's the Australians and the Scots coming round the corner. I'm sure the Scots are much more used to cycling in these conditions, but it didn't help them in the end.

I watched the last couple of hours from the comfort of my sofa, but it was great to see so many people out along the whole of the route for both races. The Glasgow crowds have been great! Now ready to settle down and watch the closing ceremony on TV. Finally the sun is out too, so these poor cyclists will have time to dry out.

Lots more photos of both races and a few of the sights around the city in my flickr album of the games. I particularly liked this one of local cyclists watching from a great vantage point half way up Montrose Street, and this one of a well prepared steward.

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