South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Cornucopia of flowers

This big flower bed near the church is looking lovely at the moment - I don't think more flowers could possibly be packed into it!

We had a great baby dedication service this morning. Three little girls did Bible readings and the baby was just adorable! It was lovely to see so many children in our church - took me back to the days when our son was young and we had such a big Junior Church (Sunday School) that we had to hire the adjoining building's hall! Ah, those were the days! Mind you, we still get a lot of children along on a Friday evening to our club. I think lifestyles have changed now and there's so much else that happens on a Sunday that families are involved in...Anyway, it was great! :-)

I'm going to watch the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in a minute. Just hope it's better than the opening ceremony....

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