
By kevinG

Week One Complete

Week One Complete

Woke up and went to breakfast. I was waiter. Skipped breakfast to make up for yesterday.

Went to EnviSci. Completed the merit badge.

Went to CitNat. Complete.

Went to GraphArts early and made my t-shirt. It said Nick Deriu American Maple and it had a leaf in the middle.

Finished PerFit.

Lunch. Skipped for today.

Back to Craft Lodge. Stayed all through free time, GraphArts, and PubSpeak, and I earned both.

Back to camp. Got dressed for dinner then went up. The had chili cheese dogs but I ate two PB&J sandwiches instead.

Back to camp then to the protestant service.

Went to the closing bonfire. Did a skit about the one way system. Mr. Neverka gave me the honor camper award.

Going to bed now.


Today's Random Thoughts:

I'm Catholic but I always go to the protestant services because they are better and smaller.

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