
By kevinG

Just Home

Title to contrast the "Welcome Home" title when I arrived at Onteora.

Woke up and packed up my trunk.

Brought out troop gear.

Went to breakfast.

Packed all troop gear in the trailer.

Mr. Kits came.

Left for Wantagh with Dad and Nicky Cams.

Slept most of the ride back.

Unpacked the trailer at the Church.

Dad drove me to Old Mill.

Ate a sandwich from Otto's.

Took a long shower.

Watched House.

Mom cooked Sea Bass and it wasn't very good.

Went to Ralph's with Mom and Law.

Watched Adventure Time.

Unpacked my trunk.

Sat with Millie (pictured).

Going to bed now.


Today's Random Song Verse:

And up spoke the Cookie Monster,
Of our gallant ship,
And blue, fat Cookie Monster was he.
Was he!
Oh 'C' is for cookie,
And cookie is for me,
So cookie cookie cookie starts with 'K.'

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