August Challenge; mono monday

I’d just started work when this was released. It was not just the music - the cover grabbed my attention. I wanted to be able to take photographs like that. A few years later, when I could afford my first proper camera - a Pentax S1 - I experimented with lighting. Could’t match this though.

In the meantime I practiced my guitar in the hope of becoming John Lennon.

A couple of weeks ago Anniemay and I were in our local supermarket when a strange woman came up to me and said; “if I sang ‘he don’t love you’ would you be embarrassed..?” Before I could say “yes ….(who are you strange woman, go away”) she started singing (it’s an old Curtis Mayfield number, by the way). In front of her husband and utterly bemused shoppers.

Then she said “it is you isn’t it? Only I wasn’t sure.” It transpired that she’d seen me singing in a band a few years ago. So - at 67 I get to meet my first groupie. We had a brief chat and then got back to the business of selecting vegetables. Anniemay just looked at me completely nonplussed and said “I bet that happened to Lennon and McCartney all the time.” Not by the vegetable counter it didn’t.

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