Academia Sorana

The schools are starting again soon after the summer holiday and when the boys and I walked in the Academy Garden today after work, we could see Sorø Academy's teachers and staff be busy getting ready for the students to return later on the week.

Sorø Akademi is not a typical Danish "gymnasium", It is unique in Denmark because of its location and buildings (it is the Main Building you can see in this picture), because of its history, and because though owned by a foundation it is the only state-run upper secondary school in the country. It was founded by King Christian IV in 1623. Oh and I went to school here from 1990 - 1993. It was 3 amazing years and I loved it - everything I learned, the beautiful surroundings and all of the traditions. I guess that's why I still love walking there... so many happy memories.

The wording across the doors says 'Rebuilt by King Frederik the 6th in 1827'. The old Main Building burned down in 1813 and the new one was ready to use in 1827.

The weather has been mad in Denmark... I was woken by thunder and heavy rain several times during the night and we had another cloudburst, which lasted all morning. There was so much water on the roads, when I drove to work, that it was dangerous to drive.

The sun has come out again though and we are back to 25 degrees C.

Beat was not well yesterday afternoon and evening. He was vomiting and wasn't really interested in anything going on around him. Luckily he looks just like his old happy self today and he has eaten his dinner, so I think all is well.

Work has been good - it is ok to be back.
So all in all things are well.

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

PS. Can you spot the boys? They look tiny here :)

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