Wall Of Memories

It has been a busy day today!

My vet rang me at 9 am, when I was at work. He had the last blood test results for Hero and much to my surprise, the test showed antibodies for the tick borne disease anaplasmosis. I was surprised as Hero shows no symptoms of any kind of illness and anaplasmosis is quite serious. It can be fatal.

We cannot see from the test results if he is in fact infected with anaplasmosis or if he has been and the body managed to fight the disease without making him ill. All we can see is that he has antibodies in his blood. To be sure if he is infected or not, we would have to wait for 4 weeks and test again to see if the number of antibodies have increased.

If he is infected, it could be very dangerous to wait for 4 weeks though, so instead of waiting, we are acting as if he is infected and he has to have some strong penicillin for 28 days.

Luckily Hero knows nothing of all this and is as happy and playful as always. He is busy playing with a bone at the moment. And I am so glad that I decided to have him tested even though it felt rather paranoid at the time.

Anyway - lots of little errands on the way home and then out for a nice and sunny dog walk.

One of the stops on the way home, was to buy a frame for a picture of Hero from Crufts 2013. He has just qualified for his next Crufts, so I thought it was about time to get the picture from last time up on the wall.

So this is my wall of Happy Memories.

The pictures are:
Top left: A picture that my friend Kath gave me for my Birthday. I have blipped it before.
Top middle: Hero at Crufts 2013.
Top rigth: A painting of my old Border Collie girls Hazy and Ria.
Bottom left: Robbie's International Champion diploma.
Bottom middle: Whisper performing his robbery routine at Crufts (in 2010 I think) and Hero performing to the same music using the same props at the Nordic Championship 2013.
Bottom right: A collage with pictures from all of Biscuit's international Championships, which he got as a good luck present before the European Championship in Holland 2013. I have blipped that one before too.

Academia Sorana II

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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