
By Hamp5on

Watching people people watch.

Was tempted to post another hibiscus, but decided on this street scene in the end.
It's been a good day, starting off with a Spanish class with Alberto, my new tutor. He's already cleared up various linguistic confusions of mine - he's definitely worth the money I pay him!
Lots of bits and bobs in today (including our water being cut off, again)...ending with an early evening prayer walk whilst Danny and Asha look at potential cars to buy - Asha's there to consult on colour I believe...

Things I'm grateful for today are;
1) blipping with a glass of wine next to me, smelling the lovely aromas coming from the kitchen...chicken in white wine...
2) living on this beautiful island.
3) seeing Maria outside the shop - she gave me a few dates to munch on!

Things (or thing!) I'm shocked by today;
1) discovering that in the past few years (less than 5), police went into Sa Penya in the evening, and iron gated every entrance/exit except for 1 so as to keep 'the gypsy problem' better contained - the Roma chiselled all the gates out in the night and threw them into the sea! The police haven't penned them in again since. How shocking is that? Gating them in like cattle?????!

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