Dexter the real life Superhero

Today we invited friends over for a BBQ and a catch up as we haven't seen them all together for a while. The twins get on fabulously with my two and there was much excitement, laughter and mischief when they were soaking each other in the paddling pool!
Later on in the afternoon when all the girls were playing in Olivia's bedroom Dex ws pottering about in the garden when he suddenly came racing over to me and started to tell me some story about a butterfly that couldn't swim. He was so earnest and anxious and pulling my arm to come and look in the paddling pool. I went over with him but couldn't see anything but when I removed the slide from the pool I saw a butterfly lying on it's side and Dexter was desperate for me to get it out. I gently lifted it out and it tried to lift it's wings but they were stuck together due to the water so we set it down on the patio hoping that once they had dried the wings would become unstuck. Dexter didn't leave the butterfly's side and watched over it like any good nurse. He yelled with delight when it started flapping and we all ran over to see, including the girls, and it seemed fitting that it flew onto his superman cape that he was wearing before his pesky sister tried to lift it off.

After a few minutes it happily flew off leaving my little superhero well chuffed with himself.

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