Just the one.

That's it in my garden - just one, tiny, stunted and very lonely sunflower. Each year I plant several seeds and watch them grow, competing with each other to see which can grow the tallest, but this is my meagre effort this year - all 14inches of it! But it's still beautiful and I love it's petite ness!
My day today - doctors this morning, but not very successful as there's nothing he can give me to help with the side effects my after cancer drugs are giving me.
Dishwasher repair man came this afternoon, but not very successful because they broke the water pipe feeding the machine and didn't have the right size spare on the van, and also didn't have the replacement bit the machine needed.
But this evening was successful as I went out with a good friend for dinner and we had a lovely time.
Disappointed this evening when we came back that my house was the only one in the road with a single light in a dark window to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom.

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