
By grannygrant

Its gone mental!

The rain has made the courgettes go mental....
The plants have really perked up with the recent very heavy rain. I'm not sure we will get more fruit, but the plants have completely changed shape. With the rain they have changed from prostrate plants to upright.

Mental day at work i hefted scores of prams and buggies on shelves. Gosh these things are heavy. I was called on to help a customer as i am the 'expert' on nappies, i explained the concept of 'double stuffing' at night!

I got home to four calls from mum, my shawlett is finished, i can go to collect it tomorrow, i described it to a young girl girl at work as 'like a dishrag' but apparently it has come out well.

We had pulled pork for tea, we agreed we would always have some of this on hand, how i love my slowcooker.

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