Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

The Power of the Tower!

A few months ago I mentioned the fact that my family are great believers in the medicinal power of honey and in particular the Jarrah Honey which comes from a very tiny area in South West Western Australia.

Now I've never considered myself Obsessive Compulsive but now I'm wondering!!. Because we've been under the weather I honestly didn't have the energy to head off into the bleakness to take a blip for today. Then I had a light bulb moment. Why don't I build a tower with our store of Jarrah Honey. Believe it or not, this is the exact number of jars that I have stashed away over the past few months. Well I wouldn't want to run out! As you will see, the stash has grown somewhat since the 1st of May.

Believe me, I think the honey is the major reason we haven't succumbed totally to this brutal bout of winter lurgi.

I worked it out that bees have flown 1,100,000 miles to produce the amount of honey stored in the pantry at Wombat Hollow.

Here's a link to some Honey Trivia, in case you're interested.

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