The blue-est of seas

Our fisrt day home after being in Iceland has been very warm and beautiful. The sea was flat calm first thing until a slight south-east wind got up. South Ronaldsay is just about visible in the distance.

So we spent the day lifting tatties and onions and shallots and putting them to dry in paper-lined trays in the Bothy. Cut the grass and picked some peas. Had a surprise visit from Dougal - I think he just wanted some spiritual guidance as he has a hoose full of wimmin at the moment.

Baz returned this morning after having not been seen for three days by his carer. However it was obvious he had been away at the rabbits. He is now very purry.

Since we were away the swallows have started a second brood and there are a few more baby blackbirds about.

We are about to have broccoli, cauliflower, tatties and onion gravy (with sausages) for tea. This in an attempt to address our vegetable imbalance caused by our temporary Icelandic diet.

CMC is also preparing the hammocks as we have more visitors arriving on Thursday, for a few days. It's non-stop.

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