Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Bees and Queues

Mother suggested a trip to Saffron Walden as Tuesday is market day. I sold it to the children with a promise of a trip to Starbucks.

Didn't expect it to be so busy!! We had to drive round the car park several times before we found a space. Mum wanted to get some plants but the plant man had the audacity to be away this week so after a couple of hours, Poppy spending even more of her birthday money and the children ingesting several gallons of frappuccino, we drove over to Ashdon garden centre. I bought a couple of plants for the back garden, mum bought loads (as usual) the children moaned and told us to hurry up.

Started 'The Husband's Secret' this afternoon. Seems good so far.

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