Tuesday: Discarded Shoe

Public holiday today (Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day) so a welcome day off.

A day in the life of Booky:
- Wake up at decent hour and back to bed with tea and a (very!) good book;
- One of my favourite breakfasts of 'Messy Egg' - bread, Marmite, soft-boiled egg mashed up and ketchup - not to everyone's taste but I like it;
- Skype date with my friend in Singapore so I can meet her new ten day old baby, Sophie;
- E-mail catch up with various friends dotted here, there and other odd places;
- Up to my boss' for homemade cake and tea
- Stop off at abandoned house, usually a good blip source, only to find it is all locked up.  Find discarded shoe and wonder, as always, why one shoe lies there all alone and how that happened.

And then, continuing my really excellent film roll, I watched 'Searching For Sugar Man'.  I have seen it referred to here a few times so most likely some of you will have seen it - but what an excellent film, from all angles: human interest, cinematography and, of course, music..........

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