Monday: Interaction

It has been slightly cooler here today - just 39 degrees and, believe it or not, it really does feel cooler.

We went back to our living room today (see yesterday) and had a wonderful few hours there.  Early afternoon, we headed off to have a look at Baska, one of the other small towns on the island.  The drive there was just lovely, a beautiful green valley cutting through stunning mountains.  Baska itself was nice enough but small and narrow and consequently a complete heat trap.

My big excitement today came when we drove past a sign telling us that we had just crossed the 45th parallel - it also crosses Torino, Bordeaux, Ottawa, Minneapolis, Portland, Hokkaido, Harbin and Krasnodar.

And the secret of eating here is to eat late.  We ate at 2230 tonight (after drinks in a wonderful bar on the rocks) so were able to get into where we wanted.  These three were sat at the table next to us - I really didn't take many pictures today.  But I was interested in the mobile phone domination of this - these things don't stop, even on holiday.  My other pictures were of a completely  overrun beach, but, as that is not our holiday, I opted for this one.

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